Boyertown Multi-Service, Wellness Committee Merge
BOYERTOWN PA – The Wellness Committee of Boyertown will merge into Boyertown Area Multi-Service, which plans to continue the council´s healthy living initiatives, and fitness and good nutrition activities, the organizations announced Friday (Oct. 18, 2019). Multi-Service also will continue the council´s annual Wellness Fair and Turkey Trot 5-K run events, it added.
The reason for the merger was not disclosed, but council out-going president Jeff Shontz – who with council board members helped enable the transition – said “the beliefs and mission of both organizations align perfectly, and will strongly benefit the greater Boyertown area.” Multi-Service board president Matthew T. Hovey agreed council programs “both compliment and expand our current services.”
“We are thrilled the Wellness Council is joining the Multi-Service family,” Hovey added. Its programs, he said, “are supported by a group of passionate volunteers,” and will help Multi-Service “be able to better help each person as we try to address their specific needs.”
Council programs will be implemented through a Multi-Service coordinator, with the assistance of volunteers. A council former board member will join the Multi-Service board.
Multi-Service was organized in 1973 to serve residents of the Boyertown School District, and surrounding communities of Amity, District, Hereford, Pike and Oley townships. It currently operates;
The Center at Spring Street (at top), for active adults 55 years of age and older with recreational, educational, health and wellness programs and activities, as well as group meals prepared by an on-site executive chef and professional and volunteer staff;
Meals on Wheels, which delivers hot noon and cold evening meals to more than 100 home-bound recipients;
Preston’s Pantry, a community food pantry that serves more than 120 families every month; A Store-to-Door volunteer grocery shopping program for home-bound seniors;
Case management services for adults of all ages that focus on challenges individuals and families face, provide guidance, and help connect them to resources;
Volunteer transportation to medical appointments for those otherwise unable to get to important doctor visits; and Conveniently located, comfortable office space for partner organizations.
On Tuesday (Oct. 15), Multi-Service also was selected by Pottstown Borough Council to operate its Ricketts Community Center on Beech Street in Pottstown over a two-year period.